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单词 you 例句大全,用单词you造句:

As long as you do what you can, no one will accuse you even if you fail.
只要你已尽力而为, 即使失败也没有人会指责你。
You can cage a swallow, can't you? But you can't swallow a cage, can you
你能把一只燕子装进笼子, 但是你不能吞下笼子, 是?
You have accumulated more stuff than you could possibly take home with you.
And you hurt, and you live with it, and you sinking down, and you suffered.
The only one who can tell you you cant is you. And you dont have to listen.
唯一能告诉你可以的人是你自己, 而且你可以不听。
You must show them, through absolute consistency, that you mean what you say.
Are you saying that you can speak? With Peking accent? You are proud of that?
You know my sad for you! But you dont know my heart for you in the bloodshed!
Don't you realize you seduced all of these women, and then you abandoned them?
你知不知道你勾引了这些女人, 然后又将她们抛弃了?
You mean the women who involved you in a murder coverup And then abandoned you?
To at how far you have come, what you have accomplished and how you have grown.
When we lend you the cash, you again accuse us of driving you into a deep debt.
A.You have an unusual accent, Ms.Robbins. Where are you you don't mind me asking.
I am against of people pushing you down and you pretending you accidentally fell.
I'm crazy for you and I adore you! I've given you my heart and I'm a part of you.
The one you love can't give you happiness, the one loving you can make you happy.
you never ask me to accompany with you and you marry different people in the game.
You can pick up and go anywhere you want, do anything you want, any time you want.
不论何时何地, 你可以从心所欲。
You can accomplish much more when what you're accomplishing is what you care about.
You better watch out, you better not cry! You better not pout, I'm telling you why.
你最好注意, 你最好别叫!你最好别噘嘴, 我告诉你其中原委。
Sonny Grotowski You hate me. You hate me, dont you Answer me! You hate me dont you!
I will give you a hand just in time and accompany you as you go through your ordeal.
If you can keep you head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.
You may access order, or you may skip directly to the ones you find most interesting.
你可以顺序观看, 也可以直接跳到你感兴趣的章节。
I quite believe in you, for I know you are very accomplished, because you study hard.

单词 you 释义

  • 单词释义:你;你们,您们;各位;大家  [更多..]



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