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单词 you 例句大全,用单词you造句:

You dont know how much I love you, how much I adore you, and how much I need you.
You will know, you will see, you will understand, and you will have no doubt anymore.
When you are not happy I will accompany you, said some funny jokes to amuse you laugh!
You're all good guys, you're all chicken, and you're all yellow, but you're good guys.
When you arrive and you see the stadium, you know Everyone surrounding you Its so big!
They listen to you in heart and wont interrupt you or argue with you even you are wrong.
尽管你错了, 也不会打断或指责你, 而是理解你, 懂你。
No matter how much you have, no matter how much you have accomplished, you need help too.
不论你拥有的何其多, 也不论你有多大的成就, 你仍需要帮助。
He loves you for you, not for the clothes you wear or the make up you doll yourself up in.
You're beautiful, you have money than you can spend and you have a husband who adores you.
你天生丽质,家财万贯 丈夫还对你钟情有加。
When you absorbing topics and those you are not interested in, you remember the preferable.
When you imagine that you can annihilate a reality, you can only assault it as you know it.
If you're putting off your happiness until you accomplish something, you're failing at life.
You may rest assured that this money belongs to you, I can give it to you any time you want.
First you say you don't want it, and now you're putting it on again. I really blush for you.
You won't feel like you should be thinking when you're acting or acting when you're thinking.
你行动时不会觉得自己该去思考, 思考时也不会乱行动。
Who knows what miracles achieve. When you believe, somehow you will, you will when you believe.
You can write it out, you can speak it, you can talk as long as you want, as short as you want.
Remember, you cannot abandon what you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you must know yourself.
And you saw an example where you if you mix chloroform and acetone, you get a negative deviation.
B. Thank you for you sympathy. Its good to have friends like you. Thank you for offering to help.
You say you do not believe in the afterlife, so you said you would always love me eighty years!
If you don't know where you are or whose clan you belong to, then how can you possibly find balance?
你若对自己的定位或所属族群一无所知, 如何找到平衡?
When you talk about abstract things, people can understand you better if you draw concrete analogies.
You need to know that the more savings you accumulate over long period of time the richer you become.
I loved you enough to bug you about where you were going, with whom, and what time you would be home.

单词 you 释义

  • 单词释义:你;你们,您们;各位;大家  [更多..]



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