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单词 through 例句大全,用单词through造句:

He sprang through the sleeping camp and in swift silence dashed through the woods.
Through ascension, one can choose to release the karma through forgiveness instead.
Electric current cannot go through insulation, just as water cannot go through iron.
I placed reservation for this room through a travel agency, not through the Internet.
There are only two rains in London a year August through April, and May through July.
Our Bravest and best lessons are not learnt through success, But through misadventure
最美好得教训不是得之于成功, 而是来之于不幸
Our bravest and best lessons are not learnt through success, but through misadventure.
They broke through broke through the police cordon and approached the parliament house
示威者冲破军警的封锁, 逼近议会大楼。
Our bravest and best lessons are not learned through success, but through misadventure.
Plumes are hot enough to melt their way through the ocean floor or through a continent.
Pull antenna through the pneumatic spring housing and push it through the rubber sleeve.
We claim that the total flux through this surface is the same as that through the sphere.
Inhale deeply through your nose, then exhale quickly and forcibly, also through your nose.
用鼻深吸气, 然后用鼻或撅起嘴唇使劲并快速的呼出。
Walk on through the wind, Walk on through the rain, Though your dreams be tossed and blown
The car went through the hedge like a knife through butter, and immediately began to fall.
汽车穿过篱墙, 一如餐刀切黄油般爽利, 然后马上向下跌落。
The electric current cannot go through an insulator, just as water cannot go through iron.
through cooperative activities with other countries and sometimes through military action.
通过与其他国家通力合作 有时候会采取军事行动。
Through conversation, through communication, adults must teach the young, right from wrong.
Looking through the Akashic records is like leafing through an infinite mental photo album.
So we go layer by layer through the organ, analyzing each layer as we go through the organ.
这样我们就能层层深入 解析这个器官的每一层
Through hard work and perseverance, she ascended through the ranks to become vice president.
Through this he condemned the world and inherited the righteousness that comes through faith.
因着信德, 衪定了世界的罪, 且成了由信德得正义的承继者。
You should go through the official channels to get help instead of through private relationship.
The incubator just gets you through the door and may coach you on what to say as you walk through.
To ensure our presence through assured quality and aspire for growth through optimized performance.
以质量求生存, 以效益求发展。

单词 through 释义

  • 单词释义:穿过,通过;自始至终;直至;因为,凭借;遍布;经历;彻底地;透过/通过…感知;在…之中  [更多..]



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