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单词 through 例句大全,用单词through造句:

You can pull through, we have pulled through, but it's dangerous.
People assume they know me through and through the moment we meet.
Peace is not to be achieved through solitude but through Right View.
有正见的地方, 就有平静。
Gaps between these plates allow visitors to through through the walls.
Always breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth.
一直通过鼻子吸气, 通过嘴巴呼气。
She's got a through and through the right upper arm. Good distal pulses.
她的右臂被子弹穿过 末端脉搏正常
They went through the examination papers like a hot knife through butter.
One is through a still camera and the other is through a handheld camera.
The red knife of light appeared stabbing the darkness through and through.
阳光象一柄红色利剑, 刺透了一层层黑暗。
Shes conveying something through her eyes, through her facial expressions.
她在通过她的眼睛, 她的面部表情, 传达一些信息。
Could you see through the pith of my superman through my outward appearance
His strong cut through the hum of conversation like a knife through butter.
Through holes93 are formed through the side wall39 of the first carriage18.
It was quite clear to everyone that he's a company man through and through.
They breathe through lungs, not through gills, and give birth to live young.
So he cut through his neck with his claws, just like a knife through butter!
因此它用爪子划破了鹤的脖子, 就象是刀划过牛油一样!
If your heart is clean you can see other people clearly through and through.
假如你们的心是清净的, 你能清澈通透的看穿其它人。
Through the leaves of every trial there are chinks of light to shine through.
试炼虽然围困我们, 仍有许多隙缝可以透光进来的。
But you cheated to the last zedoary, zedoary heart broken through and through.
While they watch, dig through the wall and take your belongings out through it.
Breathe in through the right nostril three times, and exhale through the mouth.
以右鼻孔吸气三次, 以嘴呼气。
with the car through the cellular network, or through one of the radio stations.
通过移动网络 或者通过某个无线电电台与车进行通信。
The electron is able to travel through the crystal as easily as through a metal.
One bullet went through Tony's foot, and the other passed clean through his body.
一枚子弹射中了托尼的脚, 另一枚径直穿过了他的身体。
His strong voice cut through the hum of conversation like a knife through butter.

单词 through 释义

  • 单词释义:穿过,通过;自始至终;直至;因为,凭借;遍布;经历;彻底地;透过/通过…感知;在…之中  [更多..]



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