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单词 that 例句大全,用单词that造句:

The steel that the arc that the coping of the space that wash bath and ground use turned straight line infirmly is hard.
By that, I mean intrinsically beautiful things, just something that's exquisitely beautiful, that's universally beautiful.
在此内在美是 事物精致的美 毫无置疑的美
And just together, that vintage and that chateau took on this aura that eventually kind of gave it this cultish following.
加上白马庄园,两者的光环 最终引来一批崇拜者
The person who gave him the painting said that it was one of two paintings that he had, and that it was by a popular artist.
That means that the constellations that made up the Babylonian zodiac are not the constellations the sun currently passes through.
这就意味着, 巴比伦的星座不是太阳当前经过的了。
anything that strong like antibiotics or penicillin things like that. Those are all medicines that you must have a prescription for
that part of that integration comes from the fact that this material is designed in a very specific way, has a beautiful chemistry.
來自於這種材料的 特殊之處。不論在結構上
It might well be that there are environmental factors that we're not aware of, and it's pretty likely to be the case that there are.
很可能有一些我们并不知道的环境因素 也很可能是有一些
The announcement I made that Sunday was that I would no longer be married to my first wife and that we were going through a divorce.
She seriously doubts that his husband knows that the beam thinks into the stuff that wants to betroth according to Tong with square.
Now, at that time the entity, the legal cartel that controlled the performance rights for most of the music that would be broadcast.
当时那个 控制着大多数音乐播放权的 合乎法律的垄断组织
I'm sort of making this claim that there is a game layer on top of the world, and that it's very important that we build it properly.
为什么我刚才说的建设最棒的游戏社交网络 非常重要。
Keep in mind that every service or application that is present and enabled is just another potential hole that an attacker can exploit.
记住, 启用和保留所有服务和应用程序将让攻击者有机可乘。
Thus, there is a soft moonlight that can give us the peace that passes understanding. There is a moonlight that inspires a kind of awe.
晓月静谧无语, 敬因心通情切。
I had to admit to him that I had planned that telephone call for two years, that for me the woman who had been our mother was long dead.
that we have a lot more robots in a number of sectors and that this would be a bigger share of the total capital stock that it is today.
更多的机器人应用在大量行业 这会占更大的 总发行股本。
The thought that he would not be able to find shelter when that happened worried him so much that he had no appetite for food and slept badly.
And that was amazing. To be able to know that we had empowered that, and that blogging was something that she felt comfortable doing, and that.
这多么奇妙 我们让这成为可能 写博客让她很舒心
And that means that the artistic director now has a palette that he or she can choose from between a series of forms and a series of processions.
这意味着艺术导演 现在可以选择 不同表演方式
The fortune-teller said that the space between his eyebrows appeared black, and that he would have a big disaster; however, he didn't believe that at all.
That will make four or five months, and by that time the political situation will be relatively calm, so that will be an opportune moment for me to retire.
有了四五个月, 政治局面就比较平静了, 这是个时机。
Most other observers have long accepted that Puccini's work takes place in that hazy, mythic Orient that has for centuries existed only in the mind of the West.
The insect nibbles the green leaves. The toad eats the insect that nibbles the green leaves. The snake catches the toad that eats the insect that nibbles the green grass.
蛇吃癞蛤蟆, 癞蛤蟆吃虫子, 虫子吃绿叶。
Noting that seven of the largest 20 mutual funds in the U. S. hold one or more gambling stocks, she suggests that investors pick a fund that has sworn to avoid them--namely, her own.
He hears from another member of the group that the nearest town is already alive with rumors that the Republicans are about to attack and that the Fascists have strengthened the guard on the bridge.

单词 that 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.那,那个 ;pron.那,那个 conj.引导从句  [更多..]



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