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单词 that 例句大全,用单词that造句:

I promised him that I was going to put that money in that casket with him.
That is clearly irrational, yet that is clearly a force that drives nature.
It's the one that says, not that what you did was bad, but that you are bad.
That's the guy that was talking all that smack about me on the time capsule.
So that's the energy that is needed to heat up a bath and enjoy that pleasure.
and that's because of that alignment of incentives that I talked about earlier.
这要归功于我先前提到的 那些鼓励政策
That does not mean that Buddha finally find a way so that we don't have to die.
这并不是说, 佛陀找到了一种方法, 所以我们不会死亡。
That chick got game!!!!Soz but that boy needs to look at that chick a bit more!
显示帮助对其进行更改, 以便只查看超过特定值的评论。
That could further complicate a recovery that already is not all that it seems.
And the year before that, you set up that nighttime tour of that button factory ?
That dream scenario, that attachment, that moved in front of us is still emerging.
梦里那份场景, 那份依恋, 那份感动, 依旧浮现在眼前。
For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.
That that was the first problem. And then, that there was another the empty coffin.
这是首先遇到的困难, 还有一层困难, 便是那口空棺材。
He needs to know that Jesus has power and love, and humbly admit that he needs that.
Imagine all the oil and bacteria that builds up on that pillowcase during that time!
I have an Isn't That Ironic app that usually buzzes when people say stuff like that.
It appeared evident that the bell was attached to that man but what could that signify
很明显, 铃铛是结在那人身上的, 不过这是什么意思?
But it is that process that has happened within the man, that changes the banana leaf.
但是人类自身的变化过程 改变了那片香蕉叶。
Some specific car that study case likes in the story that has the car that study case.
That ensures that the identity in the certificate is really the identity that we expect.
that there is a unity that underlies all that we see, all that we hear, all that we feel.
我们所看到 听到以及感觉到的一切事物是一个统一的整体
What I stand to, is, that he knows well wot that there Cly was never in that there coffin.
With every rose that blooms, with every sunflower that blossoms, with every lily that buds.
以每朵绽放的玫瑰 以每枝盛开的向日葵 以每瓣百合的花蕾。
So I definitely was amazed that there was something like that available that was God's word.
我确实非常吃惊, 我得到的那些东西是神的道。
That's the author 's thesis, that gods exist only to the extent that people believe in them.

单词 that 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.那,那个 ;pron.那,那个 conj.引导从句  [更多..]



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