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And that brings me to that third point, that third answer to Veronica's compelling question.
Does that also imply that home ownership has the economic benefits that its proponents claim?
The fact that a client can use the key indicates that the key is under control of that client.
Because the fact that you have recognized that you lost awareness means that you are now aware.
因为你认识到你失去觉知的事实, 意味着你现在有觉知。
Standard that make friends the that pack out can hoodwink according to the bottle at that time.
So anybody who wants to read that letter or that book the first time has to break that wax seal.
所以, 想看这封信或这本书的人, 首先得打开蜡印。
That's between, say at an average use, that's maybe 25, 000 to 100, 000 homes could run off that.
在一般情況下 可供2萬5千至10萬個家庭使用
that are the hardest things to see, the things that you look at every day that you're blinded to.
I don't think anybody put that kitten on that pig. I think that kitten got up there all on his own.
There's no possible situation where that's true and that's false therefore, that argument is valid.
That's the sort of technology that's available today that really wasn't available even a decade ago.
Monica Okay. Okay, I got one. Do you remember that vegetarian pate that I made that you loved so much
好吧, 好吧, 我来说。还记得那个我做的, 你非常爱吃的菜头吗?
And if you take a look at that, this was actually in a book that I wrote that deals with artificial life.
如果你仔细看下 这是我写的一本关于人工生命的书
He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.
That voice resemble my birthmark the similar following behind me, ever since that time that day beginning!
Understand that there can be forces that interfere with the healing planes that the mineral kingdoms anchor.
including that flip of a coin that had randomly gotten them into that privileged position in the first place.
也就是投掷硬币 随机决定了他们 哪一个获得优势
At the moment, the story that we collectively tell ourselves is that we need all this stuff, that we need oil.
我们都一致的认为 我们需要材料 我们需要石油
But I want to put a caveat on my argument, and that caveat is that it is not true that aid is always destructive.
但是我想补充说明一点 援助并不都是破坏性的
I learned that that ceremony that I went through when I was 11 years old, it was called female genital mutilation.
我得知我13岁时接受的仪式 叫做女性生殖器切割。
The second was that commercials that had an erotic element would be recalled more readily than those that did not.
第二, 假设含有性诱片段的广告比无性诱广告容易回忆。
that there are no mysteries in nature, that our triumphs are complete, and that there are no new worlds to conquer.
一切谜团尽已揭开 人类已经大获全胜 而停止对新知的探索
Nothing unusual about that at all, except that these are actually not the buttons that take you to an individual floor.
看似平常 然而它们代表的并不是各个楼层
I felt a sense of relief that we were that the plan that the President has put together very patiently, very carefully.
We hope that you choke, that you choke, we hope that you choke, that you choke, we hope that you choke, that you choke.
而你们真得如我们所愿, 从此没有了呼吸。

单词 that 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.那,那个 ;pron.那,那个 conj.引导从句  [更多..]



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