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单词 we 例句大全,用单词we造句:

So we might as well try to travel as much as we can while we're still able to.
不妨趁我们还走得动时, 多多旅游吧。
Frank, we needed more wigs than we thought, and we have to do some advertising.
弗兰克, 因为我们需要更多的假发, 而且我们还要做点广告。
So we should do everything we can, we should do everything we can to pursue it.
我们应该尽力 尽力去追求正义
We know the good, we apprehend it clearly, but we can't bring it to achievement.
We think we're afraid of the technology. But we're really afraid of getting old.
We swivel towards each other, we do what we call the anchoring gaze and we talk.
And so we took a step back and we said, What is it that we are trying to achieve?
所以我们退一步想 我们到底想要取得什么成效?
However, we are not jealous, we expect our students to achieve higher than we do.
我们并不因此心生妒意, 我们希望学生超过老师。
If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.
Maybe we're the ones who have taken this natural advantage we had and we spoiled it.
也许我们拥有了这一自然天赋 但我们却荒废了它。
If we are granted the sole agency, we can assure you that we'll double the turnover.
假如我们得到独家代理权, 我们保证销售量可翻一番。
Once we dreamt that we were strangers.We wake up to find we were dear to each other.
If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.
Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up find that we were dear to each other.
If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves.
如果能做的事情我们都做了, 我们就真的能让自己大吃一惊。
So we forget, but we're also adaptable, and we adapt to situations around us pretty well.
我们会忘记,但是我们适应力很强 适应周遭的各种情况
that there is a unity that underlies all that we see, all that we hear, all that we feel.
我们所看到 听到以及感觉到的一切事物是一个统一的整体
If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.
Are we wandering about in the circumstance we make our own dream so that we can't advance?
And I know that we said we would wait and be respectful, and we have been very respectful.
我知道 我们说过要等待 要认真对待
is of a form we did not anticipate, and what we did was we called it invisible innovation.
并不是人们所预期的,我们把它称之为 隐形的创新
We cannot afford to do everything nor can we afford to lack boldness as we meet the future.
我们绝不能包揽一切, 我们在迎接未来时也决不能胆小怕事。
And then we bring that into software, and we reassemble it and we tell you what the story is.
然后用软件 重新合成并给你解读
So we're the amoebas and we can't quite figure out what the hell this thing is we're creating.
So we have attracted long term investors because we have been very transparent how we operate.

单词 we 释义

  • 单词释义:我们,咱们;笔者,本人;朕;人们  [更多..]



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