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单词 we 例句大全,用单词we造句:

We broadcast to everyone where we are, and we think we're safe ?
We are tasting bitter sweet, but we can afford to wait, can't we?
We can't stop until we get there, we have to go full steam ahead.
We had to do these for adults. So, we did succeed and we still do.
We're pretty too, but we also score goals and we also defend well.
我们也踢得漂亮, 但我们还进球还守得好。
We do. As rational as we are, as committed to intellect as we are.
We live alone and then we die alone. And apparently, we stay alone.
我们孤独的活着, 孤独的死去。很明显, 我们一直都是孤独的。
We are still very small and far apart we are, we can not often and.
我们是还小, 我们相隔和远, 我们不能常见面。
As we change and adapt, we not only survive, but we grow and evolve.
We wept, not because we were frightened but because we were ashamed.
我们哭了, 不是因为害怕, 而是因为感到羞愧。
We afford to buy just anyone we wanted and needed or not, and we did.
我们现在能买任何人, 不管我们需不需要, 我们也要买。
If we did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.
When we have gold we are in fear,when we have money we are in danger.
We are against this agreement and we will resist it in any way we can.
We always assume we have all the time in the world, but we never know.
But when we we press the thorn to our breast, we weand still we do it.
然而我们却依然要这样做, 我们依然把棘刺扎进胸膛。
When we have gold, we are in fear, when we have none we are in trouble.
有钱怕贼偷, 无钱也难受。
And as we walk we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead.
当我们走, 我们必须作出保证, 我们将永远走。
We go out there and we hop in our cars and we drive from place to place.
我们外出时会一跃而进我们的爱车 然后驾车去往目的地
What we gave, we have What we left, we lost. Epitaph on the Earl of Devon
我们付出的, 拥有我们丢下的, 失去。迪文伯爵的墓志铭
We see ankle sprains, we see Achilles Tendonitis, we see stress fractures.
Character is when we do what we say we are going to do. We make it happen.
言出必行就是品格, 我们能使它出现。
The way I think of it is, we can't learn to see until we admit we're blind.
我认为 除非我们承认自己是盲的 否则我们不能学会看东西
The more afraid we are, the more vulnerable we are, the more afraid we are.
We discover that we are not always happy, and we do not always feel loving.

单词 we 释义

  • 单词释义:我们,咱们;笔者,本人;朕;人们  [更多..]



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