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单词 ground in 例句大全,用单词ground in造句:

With whole continents experiencing a decline in living standards there is ample ground for pessimism.
In addition, because benzine rises in price, ground of distinct also range rises timber plank valence.
Discussion on the Technique of Pressing Down the Supporting Foot Backward to Hold on to Ground in Dash
Yangkeweiqi frequently takes advantage of opportunity sits in ground, calm a while then competes again.
扬科维奇则经常顺势坐在地上, 冷静一会儿再接着比赛。
Arsenic is a natural substance in the pyrite bedrock underlying most of the ground area in West Bengal.
In ancient times, people who died of pestilence would be buried in free burial ground for the destitute.
Bed Wei is in two aureate copper to buckle proper ground to enchase be in in upturned eaves, easy manner.
Shallow to analyze the correlation of ground temperature and precipitation in winter in river side of Xigaze
This graduate course covers the same ground as the undergraduate degree course in Educational Administration.
The pilot could then call in ground attack aircraft operating in conjunction with him to attack those troops.
Construction Technology of Shallow Buried Wide Span Tunnel Adjacent to Building in Loose Ground Containing Water
An acropolis is an ancient Greek citadel, situated on an area of high ground in order to protect it from attack.
雅典卫城是古希腊的要塞, 为了免受攻击, 它建造在高地上。
The Advocacy of the Approach of Seeking Common Ground While Reserving Difference in the Research of Ancient Chinese
Discussion on the Inspection Method of the Soft Ground Reinforcement Effect for the Parking Pads in Shenzhen Airport
But in this paper, we lay emphasis only upon analyzing the influence of soil layer characteristics on ground motion.
The hydraulic effect of the ground water on the preferred planes in consequent rock slope is analyzed in this paper.
Position the power and ground feedthrough or abutment pins so that they align with corresponding pins in other cells.
The ground water in Cretacic is mainly distributed in the north part of the basin, fresh water constitutes the majority.
The soldier on the ground holds a bow in his hand and has an agonized expression on his face as he draws his last breath.
In other words, the ground work of this paper is to achieve transient thermal field analysis with Finite Element Method of Lines.
Study on Orientation Model of Radar Station of Ground to Air Missile in Motional Campaign by Measuring the Distance of Aground Mark
Relationship between the Ground Surface Temperature in Asia and the Intensity and Location of Subtropical High in the Western Pacific
Grow seedlings recommends basin of use acupuncture point or grow seedlings of grow seedlings basin, do not sow directly in the ground.
育苗推荐使用穴盆或育苗盆育苗, 不要直接播在地里。
Formation Mechanism of the ground fissures formed by earthquake in Jiaochang platform of Minjiang River and its affect to slope stability
Accommodation units are spread on 3 upper levels, while the public activities are taking place in basement, ground floor and mezzanine.
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单词 ground in 释义

  • 单词释义:训练…,打好…的基础  [更多..]



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