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单词 ground boy 例句大全,用单词ground boy造句:

The boy had dashed a box against the ground.
The boy bent to the ground and picked up a stone.
How many balloons would it take to lift a boy off of the ground ?
Lying on the ground was a peasant boy of not more than seventeen.
The boy is stupefied, two straight straight ground look at her, stay there.
Your daughter forced this boy to the ground and kissed him against his will.
你女儿把这个男孩按倒在地上强吻了他 违背了他的意愿。
Ground of our grinning cheekily scolds Poor clever boy, true firm of your boy helper, be gutty!
我们嬉皮笑脸地骂道瘦猴, 你小子下手真狠, 有种!
Say October be pregnant normally, poor clever boy marries half an year, a little boy drops with respect to quack the ground.
按理说十月怀胎, 瘦猴结婚半年, 一个小男孩就呱呱坠地了。
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