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单词 ground in 例句大全,用单词ground in造句:

A ground anchor is a device dug in the ground allowing a bike to be locked safely.
What appeared to my vision caused me to roll on the ground in hysterical laughter.
In acting against terrorism, we must ensure that we maintain the high moral ground.
在反恐行动中, 我们必须确保维护最高道德境界。
The area, called the Grand Banks, was the most abundant fishing ground in the world.
Females deposit their eggs in the ground, which is where larvae develop to adulthood.
Its four oclock in the afternoon. The children are playing football on sports ground.
It is said to be a tree climber, but often stands on the ground in a bipedal stance.
Climatological Analysis of water masses in Zhoushan fishing ground and adjacent region.
The triangular blade at the end of an arm of an anchor, designed to catch in the ground.
would go in the air and stuff in the air would go into the ground has played itself out.
在地上和空中 漂浮不定 已经将自己展示出来了。
There is an argument to express them in ground level abundance of the respective elements.
Henceforth in the school also nobody has thrown the paper airplane toward the drill ground.
Chopper Our allies on the ground are mixed in with the enemy! Cant we do anything about that
地面的盟军和敌军混在一起, 分不清了!我们可以做点甚么吗?
Research on the Adjustment of Acid Degree in the Land Grown with Tobacco with Ground Dolomite
I am informed and believe and, on that ground, allege that the matters stated in it are true.
由此, 我得知并相信文件所述均为事实。
Really want to see you embrace to rise in the hands of the ground strongly absolute being cup.
It is more like living in the ground barnyard manure in the soil, also known as Taiwanese son.
Snow aids farmers by keeping heat in the lower ground levels, thereby saving the seeds freezing.
降雪帮助农民能够使地下的种子保持一定稳定, 免与冻坏。
You know, we're already wrong, we're already in trouble, but we feel like we're on solid ground.
我们已经错了 已经惹上麻烦了 但仍然感觉像走在地上
France actively supports the action of the Stabilization Force on the ground in this connection.
A Study on Forcasting of Shrimp Catch in Fishing Ground of HaiyangIsland in Autumn Fishing Season
Aircraft supporting method has the important status in holistic aircraft's ground resonance tests.
The super water absorbent in ground has excellent properties for absorbing water and holding water.
Can put in wholesome ark inside with partial ground level ground inside in order to add atmosphere.
Ambiguous be that others believes you will be grandiose when being engaged in ground feeling you , .
暧昧是, 别人以为你们在搞地下情时, 你会沾沾自喜。
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单词 ground in 释义

  • 单词释义:训练…,打好…的基础  [更多..]



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