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单词 drink of 例句大全,用单词drink of造句:

Fountain where the Devotees of Allah do drink, making it flow in unstinted abundance.
Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted.
Drinking a lot of alcohol will damage your body. If you can drink little, drink little.
A few drops of a detection liquid are placed on a pad that has been dipped into a drink.
Admire everyone's beauty freely and drink in the perfume of Spirit that is all around you.
自在得欣赏每一个人得美, 饮下环绕著你得灵性芬芳。
Drink water cup of honey to you can enhance airframe immunity power in the morning everyday
There are those, of course, who would adopt the epicurean motto of Eat, drink, and be merry,
And a third of a hin of wine as a drink offering. Offer it as an aroma pleasing to the LORD.
and a third of a hin of wine as a drink offering. Offer it as an aroma pleasing to the Lord.
又用酒一欣三分之一作奠祭, 献给耶和华为檀香之祭。
As a result of habitat in Africa, therefore the majority of Africans all drink Robusta coffee.
Procrastination predicts higher levels of consumption of alcohol among those people who drink.
The accompanying drink offering is to be a quarter of a hin of fermented drink with each lamb.
为这一只羊羔, 要同献奠祭的酒一欣四分之一。
Drink plenty of fluids, eat many small meals throughout the day, and avoid alcohol and caffeine.
饮用足量的液体, 每日小额多餐, 还要避免酒精及咖啡因!
Drink puts up warehouse adjustment for the entire pallet takes care of out the warehouse pattern.
The adoption of standard project will cover young drink, cheese, butter, Pasteurism milk and so on.
Residual chlorine must BE virtually nonexistent since it adversely affects the flavor of the drink.
Which kinds of antiphlogistic drug should department of gynaecology drink after urgent clear palace
Study on preparation of the kiwi fruit vinegar in liquid state fermentation and its acetic acid drink
Studies on Facilitating Alcohol Metabolism Mechanism and Production Technology of Protein Peptide Drink
People who drink too much may appear alcoholism symptoms because of the acceleration of the ethanol in vivo.
Studies on the Development of A Formulated Sour Soybean Milk Drink and the Affection Factor of its Stability
The chancellor of the exchequer, by law, is allowed to drink alcohol to refresh himself during his speech.
Now it's clear that grape juice seems to offset damaging effects of LDL cholestrol and keep blood vessels elastic in adults who drink about 12 oz. a day.
Then Lu Xun took another drink, and before long, the veins on his forehead began to bulge, he stared angrily as if about to explode, and the hairs of his moustache stood on end.
Just got back from the hospital for my sore throat. The doctor said to take antibiotics, get plenty of rest, and drink lots of fluids. Oh, and no alcohol. I guess I’m going to have to stay in this weekend.
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