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单词 drinkable water 例句大全,用单词drinkable water造句:

Is this water drinkable.
to desalinate sea water to make it drinkable
When is honey water drinkable best to the body ?
to desalt sea water in order to make it drinkable
Tap water is drinkable everywhere in the Algarve.
In Africa where I was, I didn't have drinkable water.
Water that was shown on the map proved to be salty ponds and not drinkable.
You turn a faucet and there is warm water and cold water, and drinkable water.
打开水龙头,就有热水和冷水 还有饮用水
The water that was shown on the map proved to be salted ponds and not drinkable.
The device was able to desiccate the salty waterto condense the moisture into drinkable water.
装置能先把盐水蒸干, 再让水蒸气冷凝成可饮用的水。
The device was able to desiccate the salty water and to condense the moisture into drinkable water.
这个装置能先把盐水蒸干, 再让水蒸气冷凝成可饮用的水。
Because of sedimentationed indelicacy broad, tide flows backwards, reason river water is much cannot drinkable.
因沉降的下流宽广, 海潮倒流, 故河水多不能饮用。
The device were able to desiccate the salty runing water and to condense the moisture into drinkable runing water.
Is anguine bravery excuse me dry is the children bubble water that can you give asthma direct and drinkable? How long to take?
英文例句大全为您提供drinkable water英文例句大全,drinkable water英文造句,关于drinkable water的英语句子,单词drinkable water怎么造句,drinkable water英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于drinkable water,英语单词drinkable water的句子,单词drinkable water如何造句,drinkable water怎么造句等。

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