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单词 drink of 例句大全,用单词drink of造句:

Ah, my lover, I drink it for you alone, the more toxic brew of love.
Determination of Trace Methanol in Alcoholic Drink with color by HSGC
Rye whiskey is a type of strong alcoholic drink made with this grain.
They should drink plenty of water, and get adequate rest and relaxation.
A technical research of apple acetified drink by liquor deep fermentation
Development of Perilla Health Drink and Study on Its Antioxidant Activity
They made her drink whiskey and then they tried to take advantage of her.
Check out this amazing used of magenta on Fly Energy Drink after the jump!
退房后跳飞, 能量饮料的洋红使用这个惊人的!
Turbidity and color must be low for an attractive appearance of the drink.
Determination of alcohol content of alcoholic drink with heat value method
I try not to drink the day of the year, because this is what alcohol abuse.
我试着不要喝了当年的一天中, 因为这是做什么酗酒。
According to the customs of the village, we must drink this cup of alcohol.
按照村俗, 我们必须喝了这碗酒。
The afflicted person should keep off solid foods and drink plenty of fluids.
A great opportunity to have an alfresco drink in one of the UK's pub gardens.
According to the amount of wine to drink in the entrance with mass and decide.
Drink lemon juice as often as possible asas you want to get rid of acne scars.
This is but one of the methods used to try and get alcoholics to give up drink.
There are areas set aside to take the national drink of education, or diverted.
I see she ordered a bottle of alcoholic drink, also did not care about at first.
我见她点了一瓶酒, 起初也没在意。
Birds that appear weak or that drink an unusually amount of water could be sick.
I did this ad. I don't believe in this kind of alcohol, but I do drink sometimes.
我做了这广告 我不相信这种酒 但有时会喝
No bottles of corn anywhere, not even the smell of bourbon, the punks only drink.
Those who can not drink, are preservatives and additives, there are a lot of sugar.
不能喝那些, 都是有防腐剂和添加剂的, 还有大量的糖。
South American tealike drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate.
His eyes shall see his destruction, and he shall drink of the wrath of the almighty.
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