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单词 bedroom door 例句大全,用单词bedroom door造句:

Within minutes she was outside, closing her bedroom door tight behind her.
Mrs JonesCome in, Amy. Shut the door, please. This bedroom is very untidy.
Then Ed stood outside the bedroom door, with his arms folded across his chest.
然后, 爱德站在卧室门外, 双手抱胸。
Ian is sleeping. His roommate, Karen, knocks on his bedroom door and opens it.
今伊恩正在睡觉。他的室友凯伦敲他的房门后, 把门打开。
She runs into the bedroom herself and locks the door as soon as they arrive home.
Men go home, open the door, walked straight into the bedroom and opened the lamp.
男人回到家, 推开门, 径直走进卧室, 打开了台灯。
Mal'akh entered his bedroom sanctuary with reverence, locking the door behind him.
He and Mrs. Fang closed their bedroom door and studied the letter for a long time.
The masseuse was let in by a housekeeper, who then knocked on the door of Ledgers bedroom.
按摩师由一位女管家领着, 来到莱杰卧室的门外敲门。
The bedroom door closed behind her, and Rudolph came in from the outside, looking anxious.
卧室的门关上了她身后, 和鲁道夫来到从外部看焦虑。
She opened the door to her bedroom, thinking how restorative a hot bath would feel tonight.
On reaching the door opposite the bedroom he heard animated voices speaking rapidly in Tartar.
Pandora hurried out of her bedroom and started reorganizing the neat line of shoes by the door.
Bathroom door is rushing relatively with bedroom door, advocate the person that live is sickish.
Then she noticed her mother had a knife in her hand and Shannon ran to her bedroom and closed the door.
As soon as he was safely behind his bedroom door, George took the money from his pockets and counted it.
She rejected him with an inflexible and unmistakable determination, and she barred the door of her bedroom forever.
Then Ed stood outside the bedroom door, with his arms folded across his chest. Quite clearly he was standing on guard.
She rushed out of the bedroom, intending to go and bang on the outhouse door, but at the head of the stairs she paused.
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