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单词 bedroom lamp 例句大全,用单词bedroom lamp造句:

Is there a lamp in your bedroom?
This lamp can light up the bedroom.
Bedroom's Wall Lamp Design Based on Ergonomics
You can also decorate your Jeep bedroom with a Jeep Lamp and Jeep Throw Rug.
Men go home, open the door, walked straight into the bedroom and opened the lamp.
男人回到家, 推开门, 径直走进卧室, 打开了台灯。
By unfolding it up to make it a reading lamp, Good for bedroom and traveling lighting.
Large floor lamp, style of copy desk lamp, huge appearance can become a bedroom one scene.
大型的落地灯, 仿台灯式样, 硕大的样子可以成为居室一景。
Some of covert ejaculation is installed in the bedroom the lamp has a space more patulous feeling.
Floor lamp, wall lamp basically is used at the local lighting of the bedroom, the light is downier.
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