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单词 bedroom eyes 例句大全,用单词bedroom eyes造句:

Oh, my God, those are my bedroom eyes?
Open my eyes, I am the only one left the bedroom.
挣开眼, 寝室只剩下我一个人了。
Be aware of those bedroom eyes. They mean trouble.
当心那些勾魂的媚眼, 它们会招来麻烦的。
Don't wear so hot, or the boys will at you with bedroom eyes.
I hate that old man, he always looks at the girls bedroom eyes.
What are you doing? She is your teacher. Close your bedroom eyes.
That film has a lot of bedroom scenes that are not for children's eyes.
During the dinner he had such bedroom eyes, I won't go out with him anymore.
In the swimming pool, he likes to stare at the slim girls with bedroom eyes.
在游泳池的时候, 他喜欢色色的盯着那些苗条的女孩子看。
Then, as he tiptoed from the bedroom, she lifted her head, opened her eyes and daily dose of magic smiled up at her dad.
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