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单词 one way or another 例句大全,用单词one way or another造句:

I mean to accomplish the task, one way or another.
The Li bald astute extroversion, according to the circumstance, can achieve success one way or another in front of the reality.
李光头精明外向, 随机应变, 在现实面前左右逢源。
People that are addicted to drugs get er help from the government one way or another.
The adverse criticism the book received didn't affect the author one way or another.
care one way or another.
One way or another.
All of us are see that each is a prodigal in one way or another or at some time or another.
I am busy one way or another.
Still, one way or another this is yet another sign that the mobile wars are heating up.
不过, 无论如何, 这也是手机战争日趋白热化的又一个标志。
The work must be finished in one way or another.
One way or another, your travels are over.
One way or another the missiles would have to be removed.
无论如何, 导弹必须撤除。
In one way or another, its practitioners batten on the society which.
He is short of money and has to get by on borrowing money in one way or another.
We will try to bring this debate to a closure one way or another.
One way or another, the US is finally going to collide with fiscal reality.
You're all familiar with colonoscopies, one way or another.
One way or another, everyone ends up a combatant in the currency wars.
The programme of work does not therefore prejudge the conclusion of the work in one way or another.
We did not have international observers on hand, so I can't state definitively what happened one way or another with respect to the election.
Because nearly every living system has evolved the ability to detect light in one way or another.
因为几乎所有的生命系统 都演变出了对光线的感应能力
Such reforms would lead, one way or another, to the diminution of Mr Putins power.
One way or another a mad idea undoubtedly entered my mind.
总之, 我有一个无疑是狂妄的想法。
But what I'm not doing is feeling one way or another about it.
We must finish the job this week one way or another.
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