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单词 on the road to 例句大全,用单词on the road to造句:

She is now on the road to becoming a super star.
That set me on the road to examining biomechanics.
A few stars on the road to dwarfhood flare up briefly from time to time.
有些星星在演变为白矮星的过程中, 不时地隐隐闪烁。
Hopes that the global economy may be on the road to recovery also buoyed demand for bullion.
One of the most revered spiritual men of the 20th century has taken his first big step on the road to sainthood.
Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.
Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to succe.
Key Nuts and Countermeasures of the Coal Geological Exploration Industry on the Road to be Run as Enterprises
Having overcome countless hardships, he has embarked on the road to success.
克服万难, 终于踏上了成功大道。
Well, I suppose. But wasn't Stalin on the road to craziness from the outset?
At any rate, Dearest Bettine, remember that you are on the road to spoil me.
It was the first step on the road to our divorce.
In dry seasons, sprinklers are sent to sprinkle water on the road to lay the dust.
干旱季节设置洒水车洒水, 防止扬尘。
on the road to your enlightenment.
On the road to food fame steadily
A Tory victory may mean fewer removal vans on the road to Switzerland.
The global economy seems to be on the road to recovery, thanks to massive government stimulus plans worldwide.
由于大量的政府刺激计划, 世界经济似乎正在复苏。
Instead, interpret each failure as a lesson the road to victory.
相反的, 把每一个失败当成是通往成功的课程。
Secret War Two land mines on the road to Bremen
暗战 不来梅征途的两颗地雷
The doctors say she's on the road to recovery.
Re on the road to glory now.
The record started the young singer on the road to stardom.
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