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单词 on the point of 例句大全,用单词on the point of造句:

On the point of contradiction, both face it bravely and do not accused.
在有矛盾分歧处, 敢于面对并不怕相互指责。
Just as he was on the point of following Old Cheng's advice, Mr. Cao left.
刚要依着老程的劝告, 去找曹先生, 曹先生会走了。
and Venus was on the point of carrying it off, that is to say, without allegory, of marrying monsieur the dauphin,.
For a moment they seemed almost on the point of blows.
The steamer lay puffing alongside the quay, on the point of starting.
I was about to call on you. I was just going to call on you. I was on the point of calling on you.
Was anarchy, then, on the point of now descending from on high?
He leaned one arm against it, on the point of bursting into tears.
She was on the point of leaving when I arrived.
The climber was aton the point of death when they found him.
a full turn of the body on the point of the toe or the ball of the foot in ballet
France is on the point of recognizing the independence of the Baltic States.
The boy was on the point of falling over the bank when a young man ran up and pulled him back.
On the point of the combination between disease and syndrome, the article studies the correlation between heart and lung in the Viral myocarditis.
On being sent to hospital, he was on the point of breathing his last.
Calling one of his lieutenants, he was on the point of ordering a reconnaissance, when gunshots were heard.
On the point of calling out, I caught sight of those black hands.
Cathy seized precisely on the point of principle.
He was on the point of saying something when he checked himself.
他话到嘴边, 却又吞咽下去了。
On the point of view of the dialectical thinking in chemistry of Professor Lu
And, many researches were concentrated on the point of feature selection and classification algorithm.
I was on the point of communicating with him by paper.
On the point of view, this paper is divided into two parts of the body and concluding remarks.
围绕上述观点, 本文主要分为正文和结束语两部分。
On the Point of Intersection of Conic Section in Parameter Form
On the Point of View of the Existentialism about the Relation between Teachers and Students and Its Contemporary Value
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单词 on the point of 释义



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