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单词 in the long run 例句大全,用单词in the long run造句:

The number of Ode to music in Tang Dynasty is not proved and there is not final conclusion in academia in the long run.
The device tends to lose accuracy in the long run.
Playing chess in the long run will make you an acute man.
Just like in the long run, in the dark on the sun is a adapt to the same process.
But in the long run, I do advise you to make a real effort.
In the long run he forced me to an agreement.
The aim must be, in the long run, to make legal documents short, simple and easy to read.
In the long run, we have to reduce the amount of material we use in the first place.
Getting angry and using harsh language will only cause trouble to oneself in the long run.
生气并说刻薄话, 最后只会自讨苦吃。
I mean, it's not gonna work out in the long run anyway.
The better we apply automatic testing, the more benefit we can gain in the long run.
自动测试得方法越好, 长期使用获得得收益就越大。
Begging or threatening tactics won't help in the long run either.
You will find it beneficial in the long run.
从长远上看, 你会发现这个很有益。
In the long run prices are bound to rise.
Disquiet that would boil over in the long run.
The disquiet will boil over in the long run.
It reckons its new rules will boost the economy in the long run and only slightly dent it in the short run.
How could it escape my memory In the long run, summer, like a song, is bound to reach its coda.
On the contrary, in the long run it is bound to deepen the eventual economic collapse.
与此相反, 长远看来这一定会加剧最终的经济崩溃。
In the long run, the race goes to the braver cannibal.
In the long run, they say, it is the British themselves who will suffer.
In the long run, it's hard to say that bubbles are really bad.
In the long run, a new prison complex will be built at Yam O.
长远而言, 我们会在阴澳兴建新得监狱设施。
The more goods produces in bulk in the long run, the cheaper the price is.
货物大量生产, 结果价格必定低廉。
It pays in the long run to buy goods of high quality.
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单词 in the long run 释义

  • 单词释义:从长远来看, 终究;一来二去;归根到底  [更多..]



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