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单词 in the event of 例句大全,用单词in the event of造句:

The same procedure shall be adopted in the event of withdrawal or abandonment of the case.
一旦撤诉或放弃诉讼, 也应当采取同样程序。
In the event of abnormal operation should immediately stop checking reasons, troubleshooting.
Please be advised that in the event of a compromised account, Blizzard representatives typically must lock the account.
请注意, 在发生帐号泄漏时, 暴雪公司通常要锁定帐户。
In the event of a scavenging stage, it was introduced to achieve greater sensivity.
We also acknowledge that in the event of a nuclear war there would be no victors, only victims.
我们也认识到, 在核战争中没有胜利者, 只有受害者。
Furthermore, there is responsibility even in the event of consent to, or tacit approval of, the actions of this administration.
Customer shall notify the servicing agency in the event of the failure of any Product.
如果产品发生故障, 客户应通知维修代理。
In the event of any conflict between this License Agreement and the terms of the Contract, this License Agreement shall prevail.
Airbags protect the driver in the event of a severe frontal impact.
Two airframe parachutes can be deployed in the event of the vehicle s catastrophic failure.
In the event of fire, ring the alarm bell.
In the event of a fire alarm, the Executive Housekeeper and all shift leaders must be informed immediately.
Armed scouts make an excellent quick reaction force in the event of an ambush.
In the event of the machine not operating correctly, an error code will appear.
如果机器运转不正常, 就会出现错误代码。
In the event of premature termination of this Contract, the Contract Appendices shall likewise terminate.
In the event of any dispute, we should resort to arbitration.
In the event of illness, lateness or sanction judgereserve judge will be assigned as a replacement.
Mother was worried that there would be nobody around in the event of a sudden attack of sickness.
In the event of oversubscription, a ballot will be held.
如出现超额认购的情况, 会进行抽签。
In the event of a tie, any wagers placed on the player or the banker are returned.
如果是平局, 那麽押在庄家或玩家的赌注将退还给您。
What will happen to Brimstone in the event of battle
In the event of one of the Contracting States wishing to denounce the present Convention, the denunciation shall be notified in writing to the Belgian Government.
如有缔约国欲退出本公约, 应以书面通知比利时政府。
In the event of his death I was not the beneficiary.
B. In the event of a conflict, regarding painting, between this section and any other section, the provisions of this section shall govern.
In the event of a difficult birth or the birth of two or more children,70 calendar days leave are granted after the birth.
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单词 in the event of 释义



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