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单词 jump the queue 例句大全,用单词jump the queue造句:

But when seeing people jump the queue. i always get angry about it.
On hearing these words, I felt ashamed of my behaviour and I made up mind that I will never jump the queue again.
听到这些话, 我为我的行为感到羞愧, 决定再也不插队了。
Maybe someone in the other line will let you jump the queue. But don't count on it.
There have been people trying to jump the queue.
If he were a gentleman, he would not jump the queue.
Don't jump the queue, or other people will not be pleased.
别插队, 否则别人会不高兴的。
If you jump the queue, other people will not be pleased!
如果你要插队, 别人就不高兴。
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单词 jump the queue 释义

  • 单词释义:插队,获得优惠待遇;插队抢先  [更多..]



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