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单词 keep track of 例句大全,用单词keep track of造句:

The draft plan was not able to keep track of the changing situation.
Can't even keep track of them with so many accidents at sea.
Keep Track of Your System Accounting Data
You must keep track of the total number of accounts, created as well.
你必须追踪总数的帐户, 创造了。
Keep track of the time you actually travel.
Keep track of what photic, adjustable surface and the darkened face.
不合清施陡不面 洋调不面和黑调不面。
It should keep track of the actions of the Staff, Administrators, and Owners.
He wanted to keep track of that alien implant in his head.
To keep track of the data elements, the analyst might list each one a data dictionary.
为了记录数据元素, 分析员必须把每个数据列在数据字典内。
The SES antenna cannot keep track of the satellite, probable diagnosis is the interface failure from the gyro repeater.
船站不能跟踪卫星, 判断可能是罗经复示器接口有故障。
Keep track of your position on the map right from the beginning of your ascent.
从开始攀登起, 标明你在地图上的位置。
Keep track of shipping schedule and assist liaison with various parties
I know that the professor will keep track of my attendance.
The computer will automatically keep track of the number of items and their price.
In its simplest form, bacteria use quorum sensing to keep track of their neighbours.
最简单的例子, 细菌用群体感应与他们的邻居保持联系。
Keep track of exposure time using badge.
B They change too fast. I cant keep track of whats trendy.
They even keep track of your birthday.
Keep track of birthdays and anniversaries
It comes with timer mode, which will help you to keep track of your brainstorming mind.
它自带时间模式, 这能帮助你追踪头脑风暴的的轨迹。
As a doctor, Brooks has to keep track of the latest developments in medicine.
To keep track of the time, she marked off the days on her calendar.
为了记日子, 她每天都在日历上做记号。
The purpose of reoccupations is to keep track of diurnal variations in the earth's field.
Please keep track of every cent you spend.
We have to keep track of every cent we spend.
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单词 keep track of 释义

  • 单词释义:掌握…的最新消息;了解…的动态  [更多..]



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