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单词 at a stretch 例句大全,用单词at a stretch造句:

Shaking should be accomplished at a stretch, the time should be relying on different person.
振颤要一气呵成, 时间因人而异。
He thrived on conflict and sarcasm he and Allen would argue for hours at a stretch.
他挑起争端, 讽刺挖苦和艾伦连续争吵过几个小时。
He was so hungry that he ate up his meal at a stretch.
他太饥饿了, 一口气就把饭吃光了。
He slupped a glass of bear at a stretch.
At a stretch learned aa few chapter today, great.
今天一口气学了好几章, 爽。
Let us do the work at a stretch and do not make two bites of a cherry.
我们把这项工作一口气做完, 不要零敲碎打的搞。
for several days/ weeks at a stretch
连续几天/ 星期
He was so thirsty that he drank three glasses of water at a stretch.
He would stay for hours at a stretch in the laboratory.
Can you work eight hours at a stretch?
He would study for eight to ten hours at a stretch.
To talk for hours at a stretch is more exhausting than you seem to think.
He kept to the tasks for five days at a stretch.
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