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单词 by hand 例句大全,用单词by hand造句:

Those people don't need to be able to write beautifully by hand.
No effort will be able to break apart gently by hand.
They actually built three prototypes for us by hand.
I built it by hand and also added a greenhouse to the front of it.
是我亲手搭建的, 前面还有一间花房。
We received a typewritten letter with a note added by hand.
The height between rocker and work table is adjusted by handwheel, which is simple and convenient.
Walking the University campus, the decorative flowers and admired by hand in hand with the romantic.
They advertised by handbills.
A small printed advertisement or notice that is given to people by hand.
All that engineering is the reason that most lingerie stores advise washing bras by hand.
因为有了这些工程学设计, 文胸商家都建议文胸要手洗。
If the pump is not charged, you are advised to fill the pump body by hand.
如果泵不起诉, 建议您以填补泵体的手。
Acid, alkali, alcohol or touched directly by hand will damage the display.
Aligning by light. helpful to mark out by hand for shearing.
All the walls were joined up in Qin Dynasty. All tile work was done by hand.
秦朝时, 所有的城墙联结在一起。
The suit was sewn up along the seams by hand.
Once a solemn pledge of love has been already indifferent, did two persons lead along by hand and really already go to the end?
Any gifts you've chosen are wrapped by hand Amazon trains an elite group of gift wrappers who each process 30 packages an hour.
Like their ancestors, women winnow grain by hand near Lake Titicaca.
These anomalies were located by handheld scintillometer.
They can even be made to appear larger by pulling them towards the viewer by hand.
Through layering of paints and glazes done by hand it provides the surface appear to be something it is not.
In the appendix are the transfer matrix tables prepared for strips of various supporting conditions, which aer advantageous to the analysis of isotropic plates by hand calculations.
文末附各种支承板条传递矩阵表, 可供手算各向同性板。
The plaster is applied with a sprayer or by hand using a twohanded trowel.
That will then be embedded in a label and applied by hand to a pallet.
The colorful dyes shown are applied by hand to intricately designed copper vases.
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单词 by hand 释义

  • 单词释义:用手的,亲自的;手工  [更多..]



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