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单词 call it a day 例句大全,用单词call it a day造句:

Well, he thinks we ought to call it a day, and I quite agree with him.
哦, 他认为我们应该将它作为纪念日, 我也十分同意他的看法。
It's almost midnight - let's call it a day.
I think he is anxious to call it a day.
After playing together for twenty years, the band members have finally decide to call it a day.
一起演凑了二十年, 乐队成员终于决定解散了。
after playing together for twenty years, the band members have finally decided to call it a day.
一起演奏了二十年后, 乐队成员终于决定解散了。
After playing together for twenty years, the band members have finally decided to call it a day.
一起演奏了二十年之后, 乐队成员终于决定解散了。
The Wales skipper has decided to call it a day in a bid to extend his career at Manchester United.
The blackout forced us to call it a day.
Bob studied hard deep into the night, and then decided to call it a day and went to a bed.
鲍伯学习到深夜, 然后决定休息并上床睡觉去了。
I'm bushed. Let's call it a day.
Lets call it a day. Bye. Good night.
call it a day.
and call it a day.
call it a day These findings call into question the legitimacy of the proceedings.
Let's call it a day.
Why do not you call it a day?
I think I'll call it a day and go home.
Just as the Jade Emperor was about to call it a day, an oink and squeal was heard from a little pig.
Tingting patted chest pleased that said, the home was finally able to call it a day.
关婷婷拍了拍胸脯高兴的说道, 回家终于能够交差了。
Shopping, sipping our coffee, we call it a day.
Two more moderate Democrats in Congress decided to call it a day.
Its nearly midnight, so he decided to call it a day.
快半夜了, 所以他决定把这叫做一天。
Since the storm was drawing near, the navvy decided to call it a day.
由于暴风雨即将来临, 那个挖土小工决定收工。
Well, I think it is time to call it a day.
They were engaged to be married but they quarrelled so often that they decided to call it a day.
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