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单词 but for 例句大全,用单词but for造句:

But for the absence of Cech ?
But for a new company, such expenses are absolutely necessary.
但对一个大公司来讲, 这笔费用是绝对必要的。
But for me, absolutely the best point is there is no anticoagulation therapy required.
但对我来说,最好的一点 是完全不需要抗凝治疗。
I was dazed, but fortunately I had my helmet and flak jacket on, and they absorbed a lot of the shock wave.
His mother is a aged woman of abut forty.
Would you tell me something abut foreign currency accounts?
But for the British it is an easier accent to master than a general American one.
But for all its acclaim, the story has never been turned into a featurelength movie.
But for now, a conveyor that feeds from the main filler room was added to the 10ounce filler and a new case packer. accommodates the 10ounce and quart packages.
But for all his manifold difficulties, which other contemporary architect can claim an equivalent achievement ?
但是, 哪一位当代建筑师能够取得同样的成就?
But for famous brand, the people's F acquaints with but knows it gradually very few.
而对于名牌, 人们己渐熟悉但却知之甚少。
I used to be, but for the last six days I have had no ads.
过去有赚, 但过去六天, 网站上没有广告了。
But for Adam and Eve, that wasn't enough.
Put a value added tax on the table, but for later.
But for biological, this is the States and the adjacent dead.
可是对于生物来说, 这种美是与死相邻的。
This organization is set up not for administrative purposes but for meeting specific needs.
这个单位不是行政建置, 而是根据具体需要设立的。
This organization is set up not for administrative purposes but for meeting specific needs.
这个单位不是行政建置, 而是根据具体需要设立得。
But for him admit his ignorance, and ask what imports are, would not do either.
但是要他承认无知, 并询问进口到底是什么, 也无济于事。
But for the U.S. current stage of Guosen Securities adopt a more optimistic attitude.
但对于美股目前所处的阶段, 国信证券持较乐观态度。
He had no offspring throughout his life, but fortunately, he has an adopted son.
But for some people merely imagining this scene creates an adrenaline surge.
But for an Adventist woman, their life expectancy is 87.
But fortune was adverse, nothing was found.
但时运不佳, 竟毫无发现。
But for your advice, I should have failed.
要不是你的忠告, 我会失败的。
But for me to actually partake of the aforesaid fancy evening.
英文例句大全为您提供but for英文例句大全,but for英文造句,关于but for的英语句子,单词but for怎么造句,but for英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于but for,英语单词but for的句子,单词but for如何造句,but for怎么造句等。

单词 but for 释义



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