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单词 take on 例句大全,用单词take on造句:

Take one of rams, and Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands on its head.
你要牵一只公绵羊来, 亚伦和他儿子要按手在这羊的头上。
John hates baths. I cant believe he would take one of his own accord.
如果能给予我面试的机会, 我将不胜感激。
In accordance with the ideals of humanism, consciously take on Hamlet revamp our obligations.
按照人文主义理想, 哈姆莱特自觉地担负起重整乾坤的义务。
He explained he made a mistake on account of his illness.
We've decided to take on a new clerk in the accounts department.
We've decided to take on a new clerk in the accounts department.
I take on board some of the comments, but I would defend my trip against the accusation of frivolity.
Nitric acid uptake on subtropical cirrus cloud particles
Yet Jackson's take on the world is actually quite direct.
Four new ad litem judges will be required to take on the work of the10 new cases.
Connections get better and resource adapters take on a life of their own
It's said that he will be admitted to the cabinet and take on an important position.
Jackson admitted he used to take one serious measure for a game in Salt Lake City.
During adolescence, boys and girls will take on secondary sexual characteristics.
May take on adscititious rubber headgear.
MD796S, with the krypton lamp, and may take on adscititious rubber headgear.
Adults and Children 10 years and over Take one capsule daily with a full glass of liquid.
The Netherlands stun Brazil and advance to the semifinals to take on Uruguay.
Makes mistake is same, take oneself inferior position, go competing with the advantage of others.
所犯的错误是同样的, 拿自己的劣势, 去跟别人的优势竞争。
Seventeen The supervisor of association can not take on affairs.
Eightyyears later they travelled further afield to Seville to take on Porto in the UEFA Cup Final.
八十年后, 他们和波尔图在联盟杯决赛中相遇。
I'm not afraid to take on a challenge. I'm not afraid to take a step.
我并不害怕接受挑战, 我并不害怕迈出这一步。
Of all the bustling waters flowing east in thousands I only take one scoop to bear in mind Obsessed with the butterfly flapping in your afterlife
The memory would take on a sour aftertaste.
His take on women is very aggressive.
他对付女人很主动, 积极的。
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单词 take on 释义

  • 单词释义:承担;呈现;雇用;录用  [更多..]



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