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单词 in a rush 例句大全,用单词in a rush造句:

Robert and Michael leave their apartment in a rush and find a taxi to take them to the airport.
She was always in a rush.
Why do I always do things in a rush
Since she was not in a rush, she ambled home.
既然不著急, 她就慢慢地走回家。
make ample preparations so as not to be in a rush at the last moment
作好充分准备, 免得临时慌乱
It was finally a remark of Ohms that brought him to his feet in a rush of anger.
The moment the announcement of Mei Lanfang's performance was written on the billboard outside the theater, tickets sold out in a rush.
I pushed aside the crushed cushion in a rush and saw a bushy brush.
I pushed aside the crushed cushion in a rush and saw a bushy brush.
我苍促忙地推开压碎的垫子, 看到刷毛浓密的刷子。
You may ride on your bicycle in a rush to get to school or your office every morning.
We get bored of being children, are in a rush to grow up, and then long to be children again.
我们厌倦了做小孩子, 匆匆忙忙地长大, 然后又想成为小孩子。
You cancelled. Victor was kind of in a rush.
RBR team boss Christian Horner said he is not in a rush to make a decision.
The envelope had fluttered suddenly in a rush of wind.
一阵风吹来, 信封突然被刮走了。
I always have to finish my coursework in a rush.
We were caught up in a rush of people coming out of the football ground.
After some modification of format, I printed them in a rush.
在进行了有关格式修改后, 急匆匆的便开始了打印。
to be in a rush (to do something)
Nope, Im in a rush. Got to go!
Recent squabbles worried you, enough that you're in a rush to get things settled.
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单词 in a rush 释义

  • 单词释义:急急忙忙,繁忙  [更多..]



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