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单词 put in place 例句大全,用单词put in place造句:

Roughly adjust the engine level with a leveling instrument when the engine is put in place, and then install the barring gear.
The appropriate support structure and systems can then be put in place.
有了战略, 才谈怎样建立起适当得支援结构和体系。
However, appropriate policies and regulatory frameworks have to be put in place for those opportunities to materialize.
但是, 要实现这些机会, 就要有适当的政策和法规框架。
They gave assurances to the Committee that the appropriate expertise was being put in place to enhance observation coverage.
You were just short of becoming totally enslaved and controlled by a draconian World Government that was to be put in place.
Place on a greased steamer. Put in place over boiling water. Steam about 10 minutes.
The move overturns a ban put in place by President Bush in 1991. Kim Ghattas has more.
The successful completion of the rehearsal proved the robustness of the contingency arrangements put in place.
演习顺利完成, 证实业界所拟备的应变计划稳健妥当。
The Kenyan Government has put in place a number of protection and conservation measures.
Governments have put in place the mechanisms to deal with crises.
Currently, three colleges have a put in place a policy of buying only green books as a matter of course.
But the details of the World Government are being put in place day after day.
The last stone of the dome of St peters was put in place in1590.
Guinea has made an effort to put in place more ambitious national development strategies.
They're offended by the elaborate security measures the police have put in place.
To that end, emergency programmes have been put in place to reduce poverty and extreme poverty.
The importance of national policies and measures being put in place to mitigate climate change was emphasized.
We really need to put in place a strategy so that we don't go to the other extreme of health.
我们需要一个战略 这样我们才不至于走另一个极端
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单词 put in place 释义

  • 单词释义:实施;实现;做到;把…放到合适的位置  [更多..]



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