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单词 right now 例句大全,用单词right now造句:

Currently, right now, thousands of workers are abandoned.
Right now it means it could be potentially a very active summer, said Brad Bares, Ecologist North Shore Mosquito Abatement District.
眼下是夏天, 蚊虫很可能十分活跃。
Right now you need unholy and blood runs for that ability, I believe.
B right now, after nearly half year of her abortion, he wanted to stay in the relationship with her.
现在, 离她打胎已近半年, 他却提出想和她继续维持关系
This probably seems a bit abstract right now.
现在, 这看起来可能有点抽象。
The ecological restoration and reconstruction has become the hot spot of academia right now.
And right now I have another proposal that your academy can do, which is for Museum.
而现在, 我有另一个提议你的研究院可以做的, 就是博物馆。
But right now, I have the acceptance of the media. I have the acceptance of the audience.
但现在, 我拥有媒体和歌迷的认可。
Right now, I can only offer a tentative acceptance of your invitation.
Whereas, right now we only have access to this memory.
It is here with you and accessible to you right now, at this moment.
Right now, I am accompanied with music and television.
Right now, we are currently handling the accounts of 75 reputable companies.
Right now, we are currently handling the accounts of 73 reputable companies.
The sea looks calm on the surface right now, while inside, it accumulates the power for the next rise of the tide.
What we do today, right now, will have an accumulated effect on our tomorrow.
but right now we want to watch Ace Ventura for the fourth time.
但现在 我们想第四次看神探飞机头。
For a start, there would be less of a sense of hurry to achieve and succeed right now.
It's got bad things and good things. Lets all acknowledge that right now.
Acknowledge that your current state is transitory and that some of what you miss right now, will come back.
Fantastic, he thought, looking at the old gentleman worshipfully. I'd love to acknowledge him as my mentor right now.
It isn t very large, only 40 acres. We wouldn t have to pay very much right now.
Oh!Oh, he's acting all too cool for school right now.
Listen, you have heat on your acting career right now.
I m actively working on 6.61 right now.
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单词 right now 释义

  • 单词释义:立即;此刻,目前;此时  [更多..]



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