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单词 go to school 例句大全,用单词go to school造句:

Abe wants to go to school, but there is no school there.
艾贝想要去上学, 但是那里没有学校。
Only after liberation is he able to go to school.
只是在解放后, 他才能去上学。
Only after liberation was he able to go to school.
只有在解放后, 他才能去上学。
Frank is ill. He hasn't been able to go to school for one week.
弗兰克病了, 已经一周没去上学了。
I first made his acquaintance when I began to go to school.
We should take an active part in the Hope Project and collect money for those children who are too poor to go to school.
最后, 论述我们应为希望工程做些什么。
He'd still go to school, of course, but he'd be released from all adult supervision.
当然 他还会继续上学 但是他将脱离任何成年人的监管。
Before liberation many people could not afford to go to school.
What would you do if you could not afford to go to school?
Jack didn't go to school, lazing away the whole afternoon in the park.
杰克没上学, 在公园里闲混了整整一个下午。
Afterwards, I wanted to go to school, I am sent back the inside of the city.
Ah, you must go to school with Travis.
Alice and Kitty usually go to school together.
During the week, Ally and I go to school.
In North America, not all students go to school by bus.
Andy piano piano green go to school.
Andy, let's go to school together.
It may rain, but anyhow I shall go to school.
My clothing became so shabby that I was ashamed to go to school.
They go to school all day and attend cram schools at night.
他们白天整天上学, 晚上上补习班。
Defying the authorities, he never allowed his children to go to school.
Dick is seven years old and begins to go to school this autumn.
Father said I had to go to school.
Go to school now, Nancy.OK, Dad.Goodbye.
现在去上学, 南希。好得, 爸爸。再见。
Go to school now, Nancy. OK, Dad. Goodbye.
英文例句大全为您提供go to school英文例句大全,go to school英文造句,关于go to school的英语句子,单词go to school怎么造句,go to school英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于go to school,英语单词go to school的句子,单词go to school如何造句,go to school怎么造句等。

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