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单词 put on 例句大全,用单词put on造句:

We put on snow ground boots, wrap the red abb coat that superstratum cascade folds.
Put on life jackets, aboard the life boat!
She resolved to abide the pressure her superiors put on her.
You get put on the leave of absence, and this is how you return?
你中途离席, 现在就这样回来了?
She not absence to make a living with a stranger, also not calculated of that the other people's goes to horizontal put one feet.
她不想和一个陌生人过日子, 更不想到别人之间去横插一脚。
Carry a hairpiece to be put on towel to be pressed gently, absorb moisture.
Crumple to put on lightly in the face, cervical part, go to the complete absorption.
轻揉抹于面部, 颈部, 至完全吸收。
Now this is kind of the abstraction for the sound output on my computer. Okay?
说白了 就是我电脑上的音频输出。理解了吧?
He went from being a straight-A student to losing his scholarship and being put on academic probation in only one year. It must be the crowd he hangs out with now.
Clap diplococcus returns the recrudesce of former to trachoma garment put oneself in anothers position to rise to accelerate effect.
Put on an English accent.
He put on an American accent.
It's hard to put on a British accent.
She put on a passable imitation of a Scottish accent.
The kids all put on a phoney American accent.
The Cockney accent was put on for effect.
The racers and coaches accepted and understood that skis must be put on edge to make speed.
Those accessaryes are put on that desk in line!
And you're going to the mountains to ski, you get different accessories put on the car for doing that sort of thing.
若你要去山上滑雪 你要把各种所需器材 放到车上
When accessorizing, always take off the last thing you put on.
用配饰, 永远把你最后戴上的东西拿下来。
Standby packages are put on the cargo planes according to space available.
To achieve this were asking for your input on what youd like to see in this patch.
As soon as Smiths acquired some money, they began to put on airs.
史密斯一家捞到一些钱之后, 马上就开始神气十足了。
Are you trying to put one across me
No need to put on an act.
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单词 put on 释义

  • 单词释义:增加;穿上;上演;派(某人)干某事或从事某种活动;使(某人)和另一个人联系上;为(某人)接通电话;使运转;把(钟)向前拨,拨快(钟表);把…放上去;打开(煤气、电灯、收音机等)  [更多..]



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