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单词 a pair of 例句大全,用单词a pair of造句:

Born a pair of Aaron and Ghost.
Larvae dark gray color, green or weak stomach abdomen only with three and a pair of tail foot.
幼虫深灰绿或淡青色, 腹部仅有腹足三对及尾足一对。
And they were saving to be able to buy a pair of shoes.
而他们存钱 是想买一双鞋。
A pair of feet be stuck on the football like a sticky candy, that absolutely.
一双脚能象牛皮糖一样粘在足球上, 那就绝了。
To accomplish by the use of finesse. She has a pair of clever hands.
Color of a pair of Tiechi Aconitum nice, neat and clean.
Actually, I could use an extra pair of hands.
Who could lend me a pair of acuminous eyes.
Methods A pair of acetochlor acute and chronic toxicity tests for loach were carried out.
Aldridge added a pair of free throws to extend it.
Hell, you risked adding extra time to bid all for a pair of panties ?
A pair of high heels can be a great addition to any womans wardrobe.
A pair of high heels can be a great addition to any woman's wardrobe.
In addition, he used a hammer, a pair of pliers, a screwdriver.
Three together is called a license, there are three additional licenses for a pair of wins.
三张连在一起的牌叫一副, 有三副另加一对牌者为胜。
While a pair of hollow jacks without electrodes are correspondingly and additionally arranged on the lamp base.
Ready tool a pair of scissors, a pencil, like a piece of paper, a doublesided adhesive.
准备工具剪刀一把, 铅笔一支, 像皮一块, 双面胶一条。
The children put on a pair of Adi Wang, you have a pair of invisible wings.
Establish the adjacency relation among all pairs of components which share a pair of pseudovertices.
The sparkle gap is comprised of a pair of spheroidal graphite electrode with the feature of adjusting easily.
火花间隙由一对石墨球面电极组成, 石墨电极调节灵活。
I sincerely admire my mother that a pair of hand.
Robot David of artificial intelligence is adopted by a pair of spouses.
Sexing your new bunny is important, especially if you recently adopted a pair of rabbits.
Dr. Chen is an orphan, was a pair of good fishing couple adoption.
五福是个孤儿, 被一对善良的渔村夫妻收养。
They advertised that with every suit of elothes they would throw in a pair of golves.
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单词 a pair of 释义



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