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单词 she 例句大全,用单词she造句:

She says she would like to be a missionary when she is older, perhaps in Bolivia.
她说, 长大后她想成为一名传教士, 很可能是去玻利维亚传教。
She tek keer of me. She ain gwine let de Yankees git me. She sen me back ter Tara.
她照顾过我, 她不会让北方佬把我抓走的, 一定会送我回塔拉。
She used to be a famous actress, but she left the stage because she lost her voice.
She helps them take bath. And she is a good story reader and she tucks them in bed.
Maybe she just went away in a fit of pique, when she is not angry, she will be back.
She managed the curtsy without falling although she was less calm than she appeared.
She’s pretty, but she has a big head and a skinny body. She looks like a lollipop.
She said that the truck appeared out of nowhere, and she thought she was going to die.
她说卡车突然冒出来出现, 并且她认为她打算死。
She can perform ballet very well. But when she was five, she could dance just a little.
她芭蕾跳的很好, 但她五岁时, 她只会跳一点点。
As she heard the news, she began to exclaim. On hearing the news, she began to exclaim.
She is a woman of her word because she repaid the loan exactly when she said she would.
She has been agile and studious since she was very young, and she is always a good girl.
她从小就敏悟好学, 是个好孩子。
She told me that she refused to attend the meting and that she would tell the world why.
She does not get drunk, she is accidentally over served or she becomes verbally dyslexic.
She outgrew her banks, she outgrew her bridges. She flooded the entirety of South Plains.
She was so nervous when she was introduced to the famous actress, that she was tonguetied.
When seated, she said she was homeless and she needed an apartment for her and her family.
She is a great housekeeper, but when she comes to my apartment, she rearranges everything.
She was absent completely so much so that she often forgot whether she had her meal or not.
她非常地心不在焉, 自己有没有吃饭都不记得了。
She offended someone when she was in bad mood, so she has to go and apologize to him today.
Before she died, she told me something An awful secret that she'd been living with for years.
在她死前,她告诉我一些事 一个她深藏多年的骇人的秘密。
If she really wanted him back that badly, at least she would have called him, but she didn't.
She started ice skating when she was four and she became a skating champion when she was ten.
She took a fancy to a beautiful garment, but she didn't buy it because she couldn't afford it.
She has turned a blind eye to his actions as long as she could, but she can't take it anymore.

单词 she 释义

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