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单词 she 例句大全,用单词she造句:

She says she's unable to give up smoking; she's completely addicted.
She at herself in the mirror again and again, she found she was old.
她一遍又一遍的照镜子, 她发现自己老了。
She can move furniture anywhere she wants. She is as strong as an ox.
她可以把这个家具移到任何她想要放的地方, 她真的好厉害。
She waved her arms and she felt like she shouted for about two hours.
First she said she didn't do it. Then she tried to blame it on Terry.
她先是矢口否认, 接着又把事情推到特里头上。
She is training to be an artist and she thrives while she is creating.
When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home.
I think she understands English ba, she said she has BS degree in Econ.
And she claimed she is young and fit and feels like she is 39 years old.
She is baptize when she is a month old and confirm when she is thirteen.
她出生一个月时受洗礼, 十三岁时行坚信礼。
She ran out of inferno, she enfolded her boyfriend. then she was crying.
她奔出火海, 扑到男朋友的怀里, 哭了。
As she began calculating what she would buy after she had sold the milk.
She didn't work here. She an audition here. She went to New York instead.
她没有这儿工作, 而是去了纽约。她只是在这儿试过镜。
She had bitten off more than she could chew when she took on another job.
She was told that if she didn't buck her ideas up, she'd be out of a job.
She bought herself an iron, as she felt she couldn't keep borrowing Anne's.
她自己买了一个熨斗, 因为她觉得不能老借安妮的。
All she'll know about is the balls she went to and the beaux she collected.
And she nursed and fed me, even if she was tired and even if she went hungry.
她照料我, 给我喂饭, 而她自己又累又饿。
The more she thought, the worse she felt, until finally she burst into tears.
她愈想愈伤心, 终于忍不住摸出手帕蒙住眼睛低声哭起来。
Well, she's and then and then she looked like she was gonna burst into tears.
紧接着 她眼泪都快溢出来了。
She's sitting over there. She's been to the bookstore and she's bought a book.
She's 10 years old there, she was living as a girl but she was being beaten up.
那时她十二岁 以女孩的身分过活 但一直受到毒打
While she was talking with the police, she was so sad that she burst out crying.
当她和警察说话的时候, 她太难受了所以哭了起来。
She cuts her hair short, she dresses like a man, she actually becomes an Apostle.
她剪短头发, 穿上男装, 成为了一个使徒。
She was so gentle that she appeared fragile, but she was more solid than granite.

单词 she 释义

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