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单词 same 例句大全,用单词same造句:

Hoffman says at the same time, have arm to computer brandish at the same time.
Same reason you don't put cats and dogs in the same cage. They don't get along.
Born ere of parents born here from parents the same, and their parents the same.
So it'll be made of the same cotton cloth, same balloon, same internal pressure.
一样的棉布料 一样的气球,一样的内部压力
You cannot have a subfolder and a file with the same name beneath the same parent.
What a coincidence it is that they were born in the same year and on the same day.
他俩同年, 生日又是同一天, 真是巧合。
I suppose he's a bit like Father de Bricassart. The same build, the same coloring.
我认为他有点象德?布里卡撒特神父。同样的身材, 同样的肤色。
Yes, I have the same feeling and I'm sure my colleagues have the same feeling, too.
是的, 我也有同感。我相信我的同事也有同感。
Two triangles are called congruent if they have the same angles and the same sides.
There is always the same internal woodwork, the same logical arrangement of parts.
When three judges give the same signal, or indicate a score for the same competitor.
当三位副审给同样的讯号, 或表示同一位选手得分。
Although divorced, they continued to live under the same roof, ie in the same house.
How did it fall out that two men arrived to address the same meeting at the same time?
The cement and admixture of the same manufacturer shall be used for the same structure.
Lleyton has the same thing almost every day from the same restaurant. It's quite funny.
However, the surveying cases of the same individual should adopt the same decision rule.
This is in any industry is same also, face a person of the same trade bravely so censure.
Chemical element is the general term for the same type of atoms with the same mass number.
Plasmids that cannot exist in the same host cell belong to the same incompatibility group.
At the same time the application finite element software made a same analysis to calculate.
Considering on Same Disease and Carrying out Same Treatment in Patients of Soldiers and Crowd
I will not imprison members of the same party in the same cell block, let alone the same cell.
And this is not to say that two people, look basically the same in the same body habitat, either.
也就是说,两个看似相同的人 未必有相同的体内环境。
For that reason, too, they decay at the same rate and go through the same phases of decomposition.
也因为这一点, 两者腐烂的速度与历经阶段均相同。
Even the same race, because of living the dispersion, everyplace of choreographic also is not same.
即使同一个民族, 因居住分散, 各地的舞蹈也不相同。

单词 same 释义

  • 单词释义:同一的;相同的,同样的  [更多..]



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