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单词 same 例句大全,用单词same造句:

Eat at about the same time and the same amount of food every day.
We were living in the same apartment building, on the same floor.
How about not the same F number, but the same in area of aperture
兄台的问题, 是问当光圈实际大小不变, 焦距和景深的关系吧。
His first book is not in the same same street as his second book.
This couple cherished the same ideals and followed the same path.
I hope you have exactly the same brand, same size and same design.
Its character is the same and the source of its authority the same.
其性质是完全一致, 且其权力来源也是相同。
Same body, same person, that's the body theory of personal identity.
Isotopes of the same element have the same electronic configuration.
I could see, could feel the same longing, the same desperate hoping.
It's the same bond, the same time, the same dealer. And a big issue.
这是同样的债券, 同样的期限和发行商, 也是受欢迎的品种。
The same silence reigned, and there was the same darkness around him.
在他四周, 仍和刚才那样寂静, 那样昏暗。
This same knowledge helps you to assist others with the same problems.
Coexist To exist together, at the same time, or in the same place.
Then I am my mother, blowing that same kiss to Anna off that same palm.
我变成了我的妈妈, 用同一个手掌也给了安娜一个飞吻。
I have them on the same film in the same camera, right where I left it.
They dressed alike, listened to the same music, and read the same books.
The same physics and the same business logic also apply to big vehicles.
同样的道理,同样的商业逻辑 也适用于大型车辆
Synonyms are words that have the same or approximately the same meaning.
She did all this with the same compressed lips, and the same stony look.
We belong to the same world and we share the same aspirations and dreams.
我们同属一个世界, 我们有相同得愿望和梦想。
This station has the same comfort, the same features as a subway station.
By the same token, you may also deduct the same amount as a rental expense.
因此, 你的租金收入就得扣除相同数量的费用。
Children born to the same father and mother shall have the same family name.
It is often found the same actor doubles with father and son in the same play.

单词 same 释义

  • 单词释义:同一的;相同的,同样的  [更多..]



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