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单词 many 例句大全,用单词many造句:

But the exterior equipments is more many, the line that conjunction use is too more many.
但是外部设备越多, 连接用的线也越多。
Many people do stitiching, and this base is a molded model, many supplier do combinations.
Many core technologies for printing machines have won the national patents for many times.
However to obtain a reasonable section, many many parallel curved plates must be assembled.
但是截面尺寸要合适, 并配合许多平行的弯曲板金。
How many people in order to get a piece of hard candy but unfortunately, many in the face ?
He poured his energy into the Church, the worldwide church of many nations and many people.
We had many, many conversations like that, and what I got from them was my father's wisdom.
我们有过很多很多这样的讨论 从中我收获了 父亲的智慧
God won't ask how many friends you had, He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.
Maturity is how many days, if exceed formulary day, number should pay tax of how many accrual.
As I realized, just like with many many things in my life that I actually love, I adapt to it.
我发觉 就像生活中很多我喜爱的事物 一旦习以为常
There are many ways to keep the chemical equation of many group Balancing coefficient balance.
多组配平系数方程式的配平, 方法较多。
From a the indoor machine of pedestal or many sets outdoors machine and many setses constitute.
Many the United States! All of autumns are a windy season. You can many season of stick in the breeze!
To use part of his fortune for the benefit of others, makes him a great benefactor in many, many areas.
他将部分财富用于为他人谋福利, 成为许多领域的捐助者。
How many moderns greatly live a person to return Dou however this how many ancient times of rock coffin?
I would be leaving out an acknowledgement of the many successes that have sprouted among my many failures.
Many people think that the old enemy leader has been incarcerated in his castle prison for too many years.
Many doctors have gone on rounds to the countryside this time and solved many problems that the farmers had.
Eugenics became an academic discipline at many colleges and universities, and received funding from many sources.
It is, however, presumptuous to insist that there will only be so many jobs for so many scientists, so many businessmen, so many accountants.
If you 're staying at one of Bangkok's many five-star establishments, expect to tip the porter 20 to 50 baht, depending on how many bags you have.
Many of these traditions began with the Mesopotamian celebration of New Years. The Mesopotamians believed in many gods, and as their chief god Marduk.
In the south the red berry tree grows, How many twigs sprout as Spring flows? I wish you pick as many as you could, Most express my yearning they would.
No other U.S. woman has represented her country on as many national teams (18), or scored as many points, or taken home so many medals during her career.
While many current Hollywood depictions of marriage may be overly pessimistic, statistics in America are alarming: each year half as many Americans get divorced as marry.

单词 many 释义

  • 单词释义:n.多数,群众;adj.许多的 ;pron.许多人,许多  [更多..]



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