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单词 many 例句大全,用单词many造句:

I have exhibited my paper works many times and won many awards.
Willful and then you made many, many faces, I want you to coax.
Many dragons lead to a drought and many people create confusion
Mt And many false prophets will arise and will lead many astray.
How many pcs packed in one bag How many pcs packed in one carton
A very, very happy birthday and many, many more of them to come!
愿你生日无比开心, 愿无数个更快乐的生日在等待你!
In any case, many people complain many jingle very induce people.
His arrogance made him many enemies, ie made many people hate him.
他妄自尊大, 树敌很多。
How many years is it since we've seen each other? Too many, anyway.
There are so many leapers in this league, so many basket attackers.
i don't do woods. the woods are dirty and there are many many bugs.
So we count many, many such planets, and they have different sizes.
我们对大量的行星计数 它们的大小都不同
The world animal the day is annually how many months how many days ?
Smelly man very many, bursts into tears the girl very are also many.
臭男人很多, 流泪的女孩也很多。
Like many fugitives, he lived in Argentina unmolested for many years.
如同许多亡命者, 他在阿根廷平静的生活了许多年。
In many general respects it resembles many twentieth century schemes.
It's it's and. And it has attracted many many people to smoke even more.
而后吸引了非常多的人吸烟, 甚至吸的更多。
They drove out many demons and healed many sick people by anointing them.
Advanced degrees can be earned in many fields and across many disciplines.
We started selectively breeding animals many, many thousands of years ago.
我们在数千年之前 就开始有选择的喂养动物。
Your excellent technical and modest style has always taught me many, many.
Many men were moved, and many women's compassion testified itself in tears.
许多男人被感动了, 许多女人淌着眼泪表示她们得怜恤。
Many men were moved, and many women's compassion testified itself in tears.
Let's also assume that there are many, many projects ongoing at the company.
Here test and the work are also many, let many students not gasp for breath.
这里的考试和作业也很多, 让许多学生都喘不过气来。

单词 many 释义

  • 单词释义:n.多数,群众;adj.许多的 ;pron.许多人,许多  [更多..]



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