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单词 in advance of 例句大全,用单词in advance of造句:

Bridge Solar must inform the Distributor 30 days in advance of the price adjustment for confirmation.
Many factors caused taking elective classes in the implementation of the system in advance circuitous.
Advance in Studies of the Mechanism of Salt Tolerance and Controlling of Salt Damage in Upland Cotton.
As a result, accounting supervision and contract management in advance of use is especially important.
因此, 会计事前监督在合同管理中的运用显得尤为重要。
Pluralism in ideas and in sources of revenue has always been the key to advance in scientific knowledge.
New advance in assessments of ventricular function in children with single ventricle by echocardiography.
Those who opt for discount charge in the booking must get consent of Physical Education Office in advance.
Pregnant women or one who is taking medicine has to seek doctors permission in advance of using the sauna.
孕妇或服食药物人士必须征得医生同意后, 方可使用。
On Legal Problems of the Right to Know in Commercial Residential Building When Making a Purchase in Advance
The synthetic methode and the advance of application of lignin amine are discussed in detail in this paper.
Note In case of any change in the training schedule, it will be subjected to advance notice from the company.
Article 200 Deduction of Interest in Advance Prohibited interest shall be deducted from the principal advance.
They have full confidence in fulfiling their plan three months in advance of schedule by the end of this year.
An Analysis in Aspect of Economics on Advance of Par Price in Passenger Transport Market during Spring Festival
These receive benefit in the advance of the tool of development, the norm of the plait distance technique turns.
这得益于开发工具的进步, 编程技术的规范化。
realize the automatic custom clearance and custom clearance in advance for in and out of ports scheduled flights
a blade or wheel attached to the beam of a plow that makes vertical cuts in the soil in advance of the plowshare
A blade or wheel attached to the beam of a plow that makes vertical cuts in the soil in advance of the plowshare.
My second uncle who lives in front of our house applied to retire in advance in order to take care fo his ill wife.
Its technical indexes and economic norms are in advance of or approximate to that of natural anthracite block and coke.
Several Conclusion Ways of the Project Payment and the Payment in Advance in the Process of the Small and Middle Projects
The production of formal specification of interfaces between components in advance of coding had not previously been done.
Violation of Contract in Advance and Destabilizing Defence and its Significance in the Improvement of China's Economic Contract Law
Advance in studies of relationship between decreased yields of soybean resulted by repeated cultivation and changes in soil environment
The money obtained from the sale of building property in advance must be used for the construction of the building that has already been sold in advance.
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单词 in advance of 释义

  • 单词释义:在…之前, 超过  [更多..]



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