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单词 in advance of 例句大全,用单词in advance of造句:

And I thank you in advance, and thank all of you who help in this way as well.
We have also included a Safety Card for you to view in advance of your flight.
This paper reviewed the advance in research of this enzyme system in the world.
A screening for a select audience in advance of release for the general public.
Mr. Cruncher came forward sideways, with one of his shoulders in advance of him.
Schedule internal deadlines at least a week in advance of the scheduled post date.
如果你想见医生, 最好事先跟他预约好。
With that behind them, now including new carriers in advance of the holiday season.
Vaccinations work by activating the hosts adaptive immunity in advance of infection.
And partical cash in advance is often used in combination with other forms of payment.
助词预付现款, 常用于结合其他形式的支付。
An amount offered to an employee in advance of a business trip to meet travel expenses.
He had not submitted in advance for the approval of his comrades in the Party Presidium.
Birds will fatten themselves with heavy feeding in advance of a long migrational flight.
在长途迁徙飞行开始前, 鸟儿会吃大量的食物增肥。
The Advance in Investigation of Functional Compounds in Citrus Peels and Their Extraction
Items shipped in advance of BUYER's delivery schedule may be returned at SELLER's expense.
买方可以退回早于交货期的货物, 卖方负担费用。
Study on Predicting Catch of Jellyfish in Liao Dong Wan Bay and Predicting Catch in Advance
Advance in Study of Management Patterns of Water and Fertilizer in Apple Orchard in Dryland
All course fees are nonrefundable and must be paid in advance of a student commencing school.
In this paper, the research advance of Si 3 N 4 ceramic material has been described in detail.
The report was published in advance of World Suicide Prevention Day, taking place on Wednesday.
Hackers look for computers with security vulnerabilities and infect them in advance of an attack.
Daylight Saving Time Summer Time usually one hour in advance of Standard Time is kept in countries
Advance in Manufacture Method of Bispecific Antibody and Application in Treat of Dairy Cow Mastitis
In this paper the advance of progress in triosmium carbonyl clusters in recent years was described.
The function of education in advance of individual manpower should be paid attention to pressingly.
Advance in research of proliferation and activation of immune cells in vitro for biotherapy of cancer
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单词 in advance of 释义

  • 单词释义:在…之前, 超过  [更多..]



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