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单词 in a minute 例句大全,用单词in a minute造句:

You go on ahead, I'll catch you up in a minute.
你前头走, 我马上就赶过来。
In the adult the heart rate averages 70 to 80 beats a minute.
You will check in a minute to see if it was added in the code.
I should say that he always added that he would do it all over again in a minute.
Wait a minute. I took them home with me yesterday Ah, here they are in my briefcase.
Many great inspirations are made in a minute and followed with marvelous achievements.
She is used to recording everyday receipts, and expenditures on in a minute account book.
SAM Well, you know, you were just talking to me a minute ago about the precipitous decline in advertising revenue.
要知道, 一分钟前你还在跟我讨论报纸广告下滑的问题。
and how the steps of thinking are affected by lots of interesting variables and variant people, as we'll see in a minute.
和哪些有趣變因會影響思考深度 這部份我們等下就會看到
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