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单词 original copy 例句大全,用单词original copy造句:

In a document copying machine, a copy having tonal arrangements as on the original.
One nonnegotiable copy of Bill of Lading to be sent with original set of documents.
b the original agreement referred to in article ii or a duly certified copy thereof.
A careful examination of the painting could tell whether it is an original or a copy.
仔细研究一下这幅画, 就能看出它是赝品还是真迹。
Please present the original copy of the duplicate of your tax registration certificate.
Code fearlessly on the copy, while the original remains fully functional and unmolested.
Ll have to look high and low for an original copy of that book. They are extremely rare.
你得好好找一找那本书的原版, 很少有的。
The changes you make are applied to that duplicate copy and not to the original document.
Lastly, segmentation is finished by using the marked image and the copy of original image.
Owing to the high insurance costs, the original painting has been substituted with a copy.
When you have filled in the questionnaire, copy it and send the original to your employer.
An original and one copy of the application form, which should be duly completed and signed.
An original copy or certified true copy of the statutory declaration on permanent departure.
This copy does not correspond with the original. document is reproduced without formal editing
This copy is the same as the original one only for file. Overprinting is invalid. Valid to XX.
The copy will be sent to the customer, the original one must be kept in the corresponding file.
A photostat copy of this authorisation shall be considered as effective and valid as the original.
A Photostat copy of this authorization shall be considered as effective and valid as the original.
This Contract is made out in two original copies, one copy to be held by each party in witness thereof.
本合同一式两份, 买卖双方各执一份为证。
Certificate of origin in one original plus one copy issued by chamber of commerce or competent authorities.
A copy pg the original certificate and where appropriate an approved translation should accompany all enquiries.
The original resolution containing the amendment and a copy shall be attached to the notification of the amendment.
Applicants must submit the original copy of this application, otherwise, their applications will not be considered.
Copy of real estate title and original of premises tenancy contract having been registered in Real Estate Administration
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