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单词 original data 例句大全,用单词original data造句:

These are the original data of the case.
Study on the Significant Digits of Original Recording Data
The basic standpoint to conduct data isto have a foothold in original, and refer to explanations.
材料处理的基本立场是立足原文, 参考注家。
The original forms of some characters are so rare that they can't be found in existing data bases.
So the new index weights were calculated according to the explained extent of original evaluation data.
This article discusses the connotation, technique foundation, and original drivers of the express information data system.
A Study on the on the Birth and Primary Development of Prehistoric Original Religion on the Basis of the Archaeological Data
The study illustrated that in correspondence analysis, the covariance matrix of variate is a degenerate one and original data must meet some conditions.
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单词 original data 释义

  • 单词释义:原始资料[数据]  [更多..]



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