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单词 order out 例句大全,用单词order out造句:

In order to strengthen the attack and defense, our reserves have already started out.
为了加强攻防, 我军的后备军已经出发。
The order form headquarter sends out an once, arranges a handbook to repeat once more.
订单部发一次, 安排手册再转发一次。
Fill out the Order Form on the last page to complete the advertisement ordering process.
Now many big companies are branching out into many new fields in order to seek stability.
为寻求稳定, 现在很多大公司正朝新的方向发展。
Cull out, that is, remove back faces assume counterclockwise winding order for primitives.
剔除模式, 剔除背面假设图元顶点按逆时针顺序旋转排列。
I think that peaceful demonstration is not out of order, because we're running out of time.
The bias current is then adjusted in order to keep a constant current out of the photodiode.
When my friends and I went out to restaurants, they often would order bottled water at the table.
The question of intellectuals bring order out of chaos, the role of major and farreaching impact.
知识分子不足拨乱反正, 作用重大, 影响深远。
Those who violate the order should be severely punished and all who carry it out amply encouraged.
Finally, the author points out the simple relation between the order of monomial and the hardware.
Please turn off the microwave before taking out the heated food in order to avoid breaking it down.
Thus, in accordance with the from simple to difficult step by step in order to carry out the search.
In order to obtain the frozen soil mechanics behaviour, I has carried out the present paper research.
Out of gratitude, Buddha decided to name the year after each of the animals in their order of arrival.
出于感激, 佛决定按动物们到的先后次序命名年份。
The command to form in order rang out, then there was the clank of sabres being drawn out of their sheaths.
The manuscript of it is of some difference with office copy in both the volume order and binding and laying out.
An acronym for Last In, First Out, LIFO is the order in which spells and abilities resolve after going on the stack.
In order to drive out the disease, the first full moon after the Autumnal Equinox day, all people should be fasting.
为了驱除病魔, 秋分后月圆的第一天, 所有的人要禁食。
In the days of the agrarian reform, we consulted the masses whenever problems arose in order to straighten out ideas.
In order to help the villagers get rich quick, the village carried out multiple agriculture and sideline occupations.
In order to carry out an attack, we must have means available. The material for raising fire should always be kept in readiness.
行火必有因, 烟火必素具。
Experiments were carried out to add generations in different seasons in one year in order to accelerate the process of pea breeding.
为了加快豌豆育种进程, 进行了异季加代育种试验。
Injecting mercurochrome into bladder before pulling out indwelling catheter in order to prevent urinary retention and it's clinical observation
By pointing out seven controversial issues undermining the theory, the paper concludes that the natural acquisition order hypothesis is merely an untenable position.
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单词 order out 释义

  • 单词释义:命令离去;下令(军警)出动  [更多..]



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