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单词 order out 例句大全,用单词order out造句:

Some people go to alcohol recovery centers in order to dry out.
We must pull out all the stops in order to accomplish this task.
为了完成这一工作, 我们得竭尽全力。
The meeting was held in order to avoid the results being let out.
为避免走漏风声, 会议秘密召开。
In order to get out of prison early he bribed the prison governor.
He would stop attempting to make brisk order out of human affairs.
We need confirmation in writing before we can send your order out.
Aim In order to find out depositional feature and distribution law.
Assist in PMM filling out the purchasing order and making item code.
She listed the states alphabetically but California was out of order.
她按字母顺序把各州排列出来, 但加利福尼亚却排错了顺序。
Full set original bills of lading, made out to order, blank endorsed.
In order to carry out the experiments, they left on avenue unexplored.
just hear me out , mate. you order our men to row out to the dauntless.
听我说, 伙计。你让我们的人潜伏到勇者号去底下去。
In order to make it stand out clearly, please print it in boldface type.
为醒目起见, 请排黑体字。
She took out a restraining order against the man accused of stalking her.
Please fill out your purchasing order and send to vender as an attachment.
Hearing the fire alarm, get out of the house quickly but in a certain order.
听到火警时, 迅速而有序地离开房子。
I approved the doctor's order to keep him in the room till he was dried out.
Among firemen's outfits, breathing apparatus out of order, please replace it.
本船消防员装备中呼吸器不能使用, 请予以更新。
Allow us to point out that the account submitted by you is not quite in order.
An order form is enclosed. Please fill it out and attach your check in return.
随函附寄订单一张, 请填妥, 并附寄支票为荷。
The front wheel of my bicycle is out of whack and the brake is out of order, too.
我的自行车前轮坏了, 刹车也不灵了。
Everywhere there was a calm determination to conjure a little order out of chaos.
无论何地, 人们都冷静地期望着在一片混乱中重树秩序。
Africa is not kicking out Western Imperialism in order to invite other new masters.
Africa is not kicking out Western imperialism in order to invite other new masters.
This document also spells out results the business must achieve in order to prosper.
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单词 order out 释义

  • 单词释义:命令离去;下令(军警)出动  [更多..]



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