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单词 order key 例句大全,用单词order key造句:

In order to sign assembly, it is necessary to specify a key file.
为给程序集签名, 必须指定密钥文件。
Arranging records in ascending or descending order of the key field.
Please pay the hotel's front desk room key order to use the same room.
A new world mining order is a key point to China's iron ore bottleneck.
Order parameters and critical points are the key to enterprise management.
In order to encrypt and decrypt, you need an encryption algorithm and a key.
However, you can change the order of columns after the primary key is created.
但是, 可在创建主键后更改列的顺序。
The turtle rabbit run a race Use left key of mouse to order a nether red button quickly
The Design Pringiple and Key Point of Magnetic Force Turning Order Equipment for Crown Cap
Function checks the existence of a key in the forward and reverse mappings, in that order.
Tarati enables the user to connect with others by passing fingers, order, through key holes.
德拉蒂让使用者能够与他人通过手指, 以通过关键洞。
Once you input an order to the computer, you have to press the Enter key to execute the order.
A key priority transition changes the order of the keys without changing the background output.
New initiatives were called for in order to resolve key issues that had gone unanswered at Durban.
Once you input an order to the computer, you have to press the"Enter" key to execute the order.
Every time cryptographic authentication is to be used, a password must be given in order to decode the key.
This article proposed that in order to do well in laboratory construction, its key is laders idea and cognition.
Creates an index in which the logical order of the key values determines the physical order of the corresponding rows in a table.
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单词 order key 释义

  • 单词释义:传号电键,指令键  [更多..]



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